

Common Name: Hexa-O-methylamentoflavone

Synonyms: Amentoflavone hexamethyl ether, Dioonflavone

CAS Registry Number: 3778-26-5



Formula: C36H30O10

Molecular Weight: 622.626

Exact Mass: 622.1839

NMR Solvent: DMSO-d6

MHz: 500 (1H), 125 (13C)

Calibration: TMS

NMR references: Yamaguchi, L., Vassao, D., Kato, M., Mascio, P. (2005). Biflavonoids from Brazilian pine Araucaria angustifolia as potentials protective agents against DNA damage and lipoperoxidation. Phytochemistry 66, 2238-2247.

Guodong, Z. (2006). Natural Products from Selaginella. M.S. Dissertation, National University of Singapore.

Species: synthesis - Yamaguchi, L., Vassao, D., Kato, M., Mascio, P. (2005). Biflavonoids from Brazilian pine Araucaria angustifolia as potentials protective agents against DNA damage and lipoperoxidation. Phytochemistry 66, 2238-2247.

Notes: C-4" was assigned two signals in 13C-NMR data

Proton NMR Peaks

Position PPM Peak Type J (Hz)
3 6.62 s
6 6.29 d 2
8 6.43 d 2
2' 7.79 d 2
5' 7.08 d 8.7
6' 7.89 dd 8.7, 2
3" 6.56 s
6" 6.48 s
2''', 6''' 7.33 d 8.9
3''', 5''' 6.72 d 8.9
OCH3 3.7 s
OCH3 3.71 s
OCH3 3.79 s
OCH3 3.85 s
OCH3 3.89 s
OCH3 4.02 s

Carbon NMR Peaks

Position PPM
2 (may be reversed with 5, 7, 9, 4', 2", 5", 7", 9", 4") 155.2
3 (may be reversed with 3") 105.7
4 (may be reversed with 4") 176.6
5 (may be reversed with 2,7, 9, 4', 2", 5", 7", 9", 4") 158.9
6 91.8
7 (may be reversed with 2, 5, 9, 4', 2", 5", 7", 9", 4") 159.1
8 90.8
9 (may be reversed with 2, 5, 7, 4', 2", 5", 7", 9", 4") 159.5
10 (may be reversed with 10") 105.7
1' 122.7
2' (may be reversed with 6') 129.5
3' 126.3
4' (may be reversed with 2, 5, 7, 9, 2", 5", 7", 9", 4") 159.7
5' 110.1
6' (may be reversed with 2') 129.6
2"(may be reversed with 2, 5, 7, 9, 4', 5", 7", 9", 4") 159.9
3" (may be reversed with 3) 106.9
4" (may be reversed with 2, 5, 7, 9, 4', 2", 5", 7", 9") 162.9
4" (may be reversed with 4) 177
5" (may be reversed with 2, 5, 7, 9, 4', 2", 7", 9", 4") 160
6" 95.2
7" (may be reversed with 2, 5, 7, 9, 4', 2", 5", 9", 4") 160.9
8" 106.9
9" (may be reversed with 2, 5, 7, 9, 4', 2", 5", 7", 4") 161
10" (may be reversed with 10) 105.9
1''' 121.3
2''', 6''' 126.6
3''', 5''' 113.3