Submit Spectra

To submit a compound for inclusion in the database, simply fill out this form, and click submit. The format of the spectral data should be similar to as the format in the search form, except that the first column should have peak name, and the other columns will be shifted one to the left. The information will be sent to an administrator for review. If you are submitting spectra to Spektraris, consider also submitting them to NMRShiftDB.

Your name
Your e-mail address
The name most commonly used for the molecule.
Other names used for the molecule.
Full InChI, does not have to be Standard InChI.
The molecule's chemical formula.
Preferably in the style of the journal Cell. If a different reference is used for the proton spectrum as for the carbon spectrum, please put the proton reference first, then a semicolon, then the carbon reference.
If a different solvent was used for the proton spectrum as for the carbon spectrum, please put the proton solvent first, then a semicolon, then the carbon solvent.
Proton NMR mHz.
What was the basis for shift calibration.
Additional notes about the spectra or molecule.
Assignments, shifts, peak types, and coupling constants for proton the proton spectrum.
Assignments, and shifts for the carbon spectrum.