

Common Name: 4',5,5'',7''-tetrahydroxy-3',3'',4'''-trihydroxy-6-O-β,7-α-flavone-chalcone

Synonyms: 8H-​Furo[2,​3-​g]​[1]​benzopyran-​8-​one, 3-​(2,​4-​dihydroxy-​6-​methoxybenzoyl)​-​9-​hydroxy-​6-​(4-​hydroxy-​3- ​methoxyphenyl)​-​2-​(4-​methoxyphenyl)​-​, (-​)​- (9CI)

CAS Registry Number: 329201-23-2



Formula: C33H24O11

Molecular Weight: 596.54

Exact Mass: 596.1319

NMR Solvent: DMSO-d6-CDCl3 (1:1)

MHz: 200 (1H), 50 (13C)

Calibration: not indicated

NMR references: Carneiro, F., Boralle, N., Silva, D., Lopes, L. (2000). Bi- and tetraflavonoids from Aristolochia ridicula. Phytochemistry 55, 823-832.

Species: Aristolochia ridicula - Carneiro, F., Boralle, N., Silva, D., Lopes, L. (2000). Bi- and tetraflavonoids from Aristolochia ridicula. Phytochemistry 55, 823-832.


Proton NMR Peaks

Position PPM Peak Type J (Hz)
3 6.96 s
8 7.53 s
2' 7.6 d 2
5' 6.94 d 8
6' 7.63 dd 8, 2
4" 5.83 d 2
6" 5.97 d 2
2''' 7.55 d 8.3
3''' 7 d 8.3
5''' 7 d 8.3
6''' 7.55 d 8.3
OCH3-3" 3.18 s
OCH3-3' 3.91 s
OCH3-4''' 3.78 s
OCH3-5 13.7 s
OCH3-7" 13.51 s

Carbon NMR Peaks

Position PPM
2 164.9
3 102.8
4 183.7
5 153.7
6 (interchangeable with 9) 156.6
7 113
8 91
9 (interchangeable with 6) 154
10 105.6
1' 121.3
2' 110.6
3' 148.3
4' 150.9
5' 116.1
6' 121.6
α 151.3
β 160
1" 192.2
2" 106.5
3" 163.9
4" 92
5" 166.8
6" 96
7" 167
1''' 120.2
2''' 127.8
3''' 114.9
4''' 160.4
5''' 114.9
6''' 127.8
OCH3-3" 56.2
OCH3-3' 56
OCH3-4''' 55.5