[5',5']-Bisdihydroquercetin decaacetate

[5',5']-Bisdihydroquercetin decaacetate

Common Name: [5',5']-Bisdihydroquercetin decaacetate


CAS Registry Number: 142846-77-3



Formula: C50H42O24

Molecular Weight: 1026.862

Exact Mass: 1026.2066

NMR Solvent: methanol-d4

MHz: 400.0

Calibration: not indicated

NMR references: Foo, L., Helm, R., Karchessy, J. (1992). [5',5']-Bisdihydroquercetin: A B-Ring Linked Biflavonoid from Pseudotsuga Menziesii. Phytochemistry 31, 1444-1445.

Species: synthesis- Foo, L., Helm, R., Karchessy, J. (1992). [5',5']-Bisdihydroquercetin: A B-Ring Linked Biflavonoid from Pseudotsuga Menziesii. Phytochemistry 31, 1444-1445.


Proton NMR Peaks

Position PPM Peak Type J (Hz)
2 5.64 d 12
3 5.47 d 12
6 6.82 d 2.1
8 6.61 d 2.1
2' (may be interchanged with 6') 7.36 d 1.9
6' (may be interchanged with 2') 7.33 d 1.9
COCH3 2.4
COCH3 2.1

Carbon NMR Peaks

Position PPM
2 80.1
3 73.2
4 184.7
10 110.6
5 151.4
6 111.5
7 162.1
8 109
9 156.4
1' 133.7
2' 122.6
3' 142.7
4' 140.8
5' 131.7
6' 127