Lanaroflavone pentamethyl ether

Lanaroflavone pentamethyl ether

Common Name: Lanaroflavone pentamethyl ether

Synonyms: Penta-O-methyllanaroflavone

CAS Registry Number: 1919-74-0



Formula: C35H28O10

Molecular Weight: 608.599

Exact Mass: 608.1683

NMR Solvent: CDCl3

MHz: 200.0

Calibration: TMS

NMR references: Dora, G., Edwards, J. (1991). Taxonomic Status of Lanaria lanata and Isolation of a Novel Biflavone. J. Nat. Prod. 54, 796-801.

Species: synthesis - Dora, G., Edwards, J. (1991). Taxonomic Status of Lanaria lanata and Isolation of a Novel Biflavone. J. Nat. Prod. 54, 796-801.


Proton NMR Peaks

Position PPM Peak Type J (Hz)
2', 6' 7.84 d 9
2''', 6''' 7.44 d 9
3', 5' 7.08 d 9
3''', 5''' 6.83 d 9
3 6.6 s
3" 6.58 s
6" 6.54 s
8 6.54 overlapped
6 6.37 d 1.8
OCH3 4.06 s
OCH3 3.98 s
OCH3 3.95 s
OCH3 3.89 s
OCH3 3.79 s