

Common Name: 4',7''-Di-O-methylamentoflavone

Synonyms: 4H-​1-​Benzopyran-​4-​one, 8-​[5-​(5,​7-​dihydroxy-​4-​oxo-​4H-​1-​benzopyran-​2-​yl)​-​2-​methoxyphenyl]​-​5-​hydroxy-​2-​(4-​hydroxyphenyl)​-​7-​methoxy-

CAS Registry Number: 34394-13-3



Formula: C32H22O10

Molecular Weight: 566.518

Exact Mass: 566.1213

NMR Solvent: DMSO-d6

MHz: 500 (1H), 90.8 (13C)

Calibration: not indicated

NMR references: Guodong, Z. (2006). Natural Products from Selaginella. M.S. Dissertation, National University of Singapore.

Silva, G., Chai, H., Gupta, M., Farnsworth, N., Cordell, G., Pezzuto, J., Beecher, C., Kinghorn, A. (1995). Cytotoxic Biflavonoids from Selaginella willdenowii. Phytochemistry 40, 129-134.

Species: Selaginella willdenowii - Guodong, Z. (2006). Natural Products from Selaginella. M.S. Dissertation, National University of Singapore.

Notes: 1H NMR also performed with acetone-d6 as solvent; see Guodong for data. 13C NMR obtained from Silva.

Proton NMR Peaks

Position PPM Peak Type J (Hz)
3 6.9 s
6 6.19 d 2.3
8 6.5 d 2.3
2' 7.83 d 2.3
5' 7.25 d 8.8
6' 8.08 dd 2.3, 8.8
3" 6.86 s
6" 6.95 s
2''', 6''' 8.01 d 8.8
3''', 5''' 6.98 d 8.8
4'-OCH3 (may be interchanged with 7"-OCH3) 3.8 s
7"-OCH3 (may be interchanged with 4'-OCH3) 3.82 s
5-OH 12.92 s
5"-OCH3 13.12 s

Carbon NMR Peaks

Position PPM
2 163.3
3 103.8
4 181.7
5 161.4
6 98.8
7 164.1
8 94.1
9 157.3
10 103.5
1' 122.4
2' 130.2
3' 122.1
4' 160.5
5' 111.7
6' 128
2" 164
3" 103.1
4" 181.9
5" 157.9
6" 90.8
7" 162.7
8" 103.5
9" 156.9
10" 104.6
1''' 121.1
2''' 128.6
3''' 116
4''' 161.3
5''' 116
6''' 128.6
OCH3 56.4
OCH3 55.8