Carinoside C

Carinoside C

Common Name: Carinoside C


CAS Registry Number: 1702430-61-2



Formula: C56H62O29

Molecular Weight: 1199.083

Exact Mass: 1198.3377

NMR Solvent: DMSO-d6

MHz: 500 (1H), 125 (13C)

Calibration: TMS

NMR references: Bao, B., Wang, Q., Wu, X., Tai, W. (2015). The isolation and structural elucidation of three new biflavonoid glycosides from Lomatogonium carinthiacum. Nat. Prod. Res. 29, 1358-1362.

Species: Lomatogonium carinthiacum - Bao, B., Wang, Q., Wu, X., Tai, W. (2015). The isolation and structural elucidation of three new biflavonoid glycosides from Lomatogonium carinthiacum. Nat. Prod. Res. 29, 1358-1362.


Proton NMR Peaks

Position PPM Peak Type J (Hz)
3 6.86 s
8 6.83 s
11 4.58 d 9
2' 7.97 d 7.5
3' 6.94 d 7.5
5' 6.94 d 7.5
6' 7.97 d 7.5
Araf-1 3.98 dd 10, 9
Araf-2 3.2 m
Araf-3 3.09 m
Araf-4 3.33 m
Araf-5 3.99 m
Araf-5 3.42 m
Glc-1 4.13 d 6
Glc-2 2.95 m
Glc-3 3.06 m
Glc-4 3.05 m
Glc-5 3.08 m
Glc-6 3.45 m
Glc-6 3.66 m
7-OCH3 3.87 s
3" 6.86 s
8" 6.83 s
11" 4.57 d 9
2''' 7.97 d 7.5
3''' 6.94 d 7.5
5''' 6.94 d 7.5
6''' 7.97 d 7.5
Araf-1' 4.17 dd 10, 9
Araf-2' 3.19 m
Araf-3' 3.08 m
Araf-4' 3.32 m
Araf-5' 4.01 m
Araf-5' 3.43 m
Glc-1' 4.13 d 6
Glc-2' 2.94 m
Glc-3' 3.05 m
Glc-4' 3.04 m
Glc-5' 3.07 m
Glc-6' 3.44 m
Glc-6' 3.65 m
7"-OCH3 3.89 s

Carbon NMR Peaks

Position PPM
2 164.4
3 103.6
4 182.7
5 160.7
6 110
7 165.4
8 91.7
9 157.3
10 105.1
11 73.4
1' 121.4
2' 129
3' 116.5
4' 161.9
5' 116.5
6' 129
Araf-1 70.7
Araf-2 79.4
Araf-3 71.3
Araf-4 80.5
Araf-5 69.8
Glc-1 103.5
Glc-2 73.8
Glc-3 77.2
Glc-4 70.4
Glc-5 77.3
Glc-6 61.4
7-OCH3 56.8
2" 164.1
3" 103.6
4" 182.4
5" 159.9
6" 110
7" 164.2
8" 90.7
9" 157.2
10" 104.6
11" 73.1
1''' 124.4
2''' 129
3''' 116.5
4''' 161.8
5''' 116.5
6''' 129
Araf-1' 70
Araf-2' 79.3
Araf-3' 71.1
Araf-4' 80.3
Araf-5' 69.8
Glc-1' 103.5
Glc-2' 73.7
Glc-3' 77.2
Glc-4' 70.4
Glc-5' 77.3
Glc-6' 61.4
7"-OCH3 56.9