

Common Name: 7-O-Methylamentoflavone

Synonyms: Sequoiaflavone

CAS Registry Number: 21763-71-3



Formula: C31H20O10

Molecular Weight: 552.491

Exact Mass: 552.1057

NMR Solvent: DMSO-d6

MHz: not indicated

Calibration: Chemical shift for acetone used as reference.

NMR references: Markham, K., Franke, A., Molloy, B., Webby, R. (1990). Flavonoid Profiles of New Zealand Libocedrus And Related Genera. Phytochemistry 29, 501-507.

Species: various - Markham, K., Franke, A., Molloy, B., Webby, R. (1990). Flavonoid Profiles of New Zealand Libocedrus And Related Genera. Phytochemistry 29, 501-507.

Notes: Only 1H NMR data collected by Markham et al.

Proton NMR Peaks

Position PPM Peak Type J (Hz)
3 6.78 s
6 6.35 d 2.1
8 6.73 d 2.1
2' 8.11 d 2
5' 7.09 d 8.6
6' 8.01 dd 2, 8.6
3" 6.9 s
6" 6.31 s
2''', 6''' 7.59 d 8.8
3''', 5''' 6.68 d 8.8
5-OH 13.11 s
5"-OH 12.99 s
7"-OH 10.28 s
OCH3 3.81 s