

Common Name: 3'''-Desoxydicranolomin

Synonyms: 4H-​1-​Benzopyran-​4-​one, 6-​[6-​(5,​7-​dihydroxy-​4-​oxo-​4H-​1-​benzopyran-​2-​yl)​-​2,​3-​dihydroxyphenyl]​-​5,​7-​dihydroxy-​2-​(4-​hydroxyphenyl)​-

CAS Registry Number: 175738-06-4



Formula: C30H18O11

Molecular Weight: 554.46

Exact Mass: 554.0849

NMR Solvent: DMSO-d6

MHz: 400 (1H), 100 (13C)

Calibration: not indicated

NMR references: Rampendahl, C., Seeger, T., Geiger, H., Zinsmeister, H. (1996). The Biflavonoids of Plagiomnium undulatum. Phytochemistry 41, 1621-1624.

Species: Plagiomnium undulatum - Rampendahl, C., Seeger, T., Geiger, H., Zinsmeister, H. (1996). The Biflavonoids of Plagiomnium undulatum. Phytochemistry 41, 1621-1624.

Notes: No J-values given by Rampendahl et al. for 1H NMR data.

Proton NMR Peaks

Position PPM Peak Type J (Hz)
3 5.99 s
6 6.07 d (meta-coupled)
8 5.98 d (meta-coupled)
5' 6.87 d (ortho-coupled)
6' 7.12 d (ortho-coupled)
3" 6.66 s
8" 6.46 s
2''' 7.91 d (ortho-coupled)
3''' 6.92 d (ortho-coupled)
5''' 6.92 d (ortho-coupled)
6''' 7.91 d (ortho-coupled)

Carbon NMR Peaks

Position PPM
2 167
3 105.6
4 181.2
5 160.8
6 98.5
7 163.5
8 93.3
9 157.4
10 102
1' 123.8
2' 119.6
3' 145.5
4' 149
5' 113.2
6' 121.4
2" 163.8
3" 102.4
4" 181.1
5" 158.6
6" 109
7" 162.8
8" 94.5
9" 156.5
10" 103.3
1''' 120.7
2''' 128.2
3''' 115.8
4''' 161.2
5''' 115.8
6''' 128.2